We are happy to announce that we are planning on opening the farm-stand within Woodbury Floral Designs, located at 15 Hollow Rd in Woodbury on June 12th 2018.  The stand will run until December.  

Hours of Operation

Monday :Flower shop only; no produce harvested 9-5

Tuesday: 9:30-6 (longer day due to CSA pickup)

Wednesday: 9:30-5

Thursday: 9:30 -6 (longer day due to CSA pickup)

Friday: 9:30 - 5

Saturday: 9:30 - 4 (NEW! Also a CSA pickup day)

Sunday: Shop and Stand CLOSED

We hope to see you there!


Many great products await.  New this year a local dark chocolate has been added for everyone's sweet tooth,  Many great products of ours too long to list. Stop by and check them out. Also new this year, download our app by searching "The Farm Woodbury CT USA" on either Apple or Android.  Our new app will help keep all our customers informed of what is on teh stand, when and many cool upcoming events and sales!  You will be buying directly from the farm.  We can let you know who and how it was grown and picked and when. Talk about local, and fresh!

That's The Really Awesome Part.

As we always say...

Eat Healthy - Eat Local 
